Arthrosis of the knee joint is progressive. When the disease develops, the cartilages suffer first, and then the bone elements take part in the destructive process. High physical activity, physical inactivity, and metabolic disorders lead to the causes of problems.
With the development of the disease, there is a risk of ankylosis, which is associated with a decrease in the motor activity of the joint.
Characteristics of the disease

Arthrosis of the knee joint is accompanied by cartilage deformation and destruction. The pathology is characterized by a chronic degenerative nature and causes pain of varying intensity.
It causes complete loss of motor activity and loss of functionality. According to ICD-10, the disease is coded as follows: M17. Gonarthrosis (arthrosis of the knee joint).
Pathologies are more prone to women than men. At the same time, the risk of arthrosis is much higher in people with varicose veins and overweight people. That is why the disease occurs more often in obese women over 40 years old. The elderly are also affected. In young people, arthrosis develops as a result of injuries occurring during physical work or sports.
Arthrosis must be distinguished from arthritis, which is an inflammatory disease caused by disorders of the immune system. Infectious diseases also lead to the development of arthritis.
The picture shows the clinical picture of arthrosis

There are 2 main types of arthrosis of the knee joint - primary and secondary. In the first case, the disease appears in childhood and is caused by a violation of the development of the surface of the joints or ligaments.
In this situation, the joint faces increased loads, which leads to degenerative changes. The secondary form of arthrosis is associated with injuries and other diseases.
Pathology can be unilateral or bilateral. In the first case, the cause of the disease is most often injuries. The bilateral form of the pathology is usually a consequence of obesity.
The development of arthrosis of the knee joint has several stages. The earlier the disease is detected, the easier it is to treat.
The main stages of the disease are:
- 1 degree- at this stage, people rarely go to the doctor. They feel slight discomfort in the right or left knee, which appears after a long walk. The pain syndrome appears only after increased physical effort or strong bending and extension of the knee. During radiography, a slight narrowing of the joint space and the appearance of bone processes in the structure of the joints can be observed. The pathology is discovered accidentally during other examinations. At this stage, conservative therapy is sufficient.
- 2 degrees- characterized by more obvious symptoms of the disease, which are difficult to ignore. The pain in the knee is constantly felt. Especially intense in the morning and evening. Even in a calm state, the discomfort does not disappear. The person's gait slows down, motor activity is disturbed, the movement of the knee is accompanied by a cracking sound. There is a risk of complications, for which a piece of bone or cartilage enters the joint cavity. This increases pain and causes loss of motor activity. When palpating the knee, there is a risk of severe pain and visible deformation of the joint. Inflammatory processes often develop. In such a position, the knee swells. When X-rays are taken, a strong narrowing of the joint space, the presence of osteophytes, and the curvature of the bone can be seen. In such a situation, the patient needs complex treatment. In some cases, it cannot be done without surgery.
- 3 degrees- represents a neglected form of pathology. At this stage, a person gets permanent disability. The patient has constant pain in the knee, impaired motor activity. With any movement, the knee crunches strongly. The joint is characterized by pronounced deformation, due to the accumulation of fluid, it increases and almost completely loses mobility. During radiography, destruction of the ligamentous apparatus and the meniscus, wear of the cartilages, and an increase in the size of the connective tissues can be observed. Partial fusion of the joints can also be observed. To solve the problem, the affected joint is replaced with an artificial one.
In most cases, patients consult a doctor in the second stage of arthrosis. This is typical for elderly people who are used to age-related changes.
Causes of arthrosis of the knee joint

The main cause of osteoarthritis is injury to the knee. Damage can be caused by exercise, arthritis, or other factors.
The main causes of knee osteoarthritis are:
- Inflammation of the knee can be provoked by arthritis, bursitis and other factors.
- Damage to the meniscus - in the absence of treatment of such a pathology, arthrosis often develops.
- Osteochondropathy of the knee.
- Physical factors - heavy sports, overweight, etc.
- Bone fractures, post-traumatic syndrome.
- Surgery for meniscal lesions, arthroscopy, prolonged blockades with the help of hormones.
- Pathologies that change the load on the knee. These include flat feet, changes in the lower back, arthrosis. This category also includes hip dysplasia.
Symptoms and signs
The main manifestations of the disease are:
- Pain - most often there is mechanical discomfort, which is relieved by painkillers. It can be dull, painful, sharp.
- Crop while moving.
- Impaired joint mobility.
- Decreased motor activity.
- Weakness of the muscles of the limbs.
- An increase in local temperature in the knee area.
- Gait disorder associated with lameness of the legs.
- Violation of stability.
- Knee jam.

Before starting the treatment of gonarthrosis, a thorough examination must be carried out.
If you suspect gonarthrosis, you should contact an orthopedic traumatologist. The specialist examines and questions the patient, assesses the condition of the joint and the range of motion within it.
To identify the pathology, perform such tests:
- Magnetic resonance imaging. With the help of the procedure, it is possible to study the affected area by creating a three-dimensional image. The manipulation shows the vascular system and nerve fibers.
- Radiography. The procedure makes it possible to identify cracks, depressions, and bone processes.
What is dangerous knee arthrosis
The consequences of arthrosis include arthritis, atrophic changes in muscle tissues and ligaments, and gait disturbances. There is also a risk of deformation of the lower limb.
In severe cases, the disease causes complete degeneration of cartilage and deformation of bone structures. As a result, the mobility of the limb decreases and the person becomes disabled.

Prevention and prognosis
In order to avoid the appearance of knee arthrosis, you should follow the following recommendations:
- eat right - the menu should contain a lot of vitamins, minerals, proteins;
- get rid of bad habits;
- normalizes weight;
- do sports, walk or ride an exercise bike, perform medical complexes;
- avoid injury, protect your legs with knee pads.
The pathology is well suited for therapy, as the thinning of cartilage tissue is observed only in the third stage. The prognosis is quite favorable.
If therapy is not started in time, there is a risk of disability. Usually, the group is designated by the third degree of gonarthrosis. As for military service, they are exempted from it when the deforming form of the disease develops.
Osteoarthritis of the knee joint is a serious pathology with negative health consequences. To solve the problem, you need to see a doctor in time. The specialist performs the necessary tests and selects the appropriate therapy.